
AlgoSol has almost 30 years of experience in designing state-of-the-art algorithms.


We base our work on fundamental research and have ongoing working relationships with renowned scientists.


Our algorithms are elegantly designed and provide optimal solutions as well as goal-oriented heuristics.

About Us

Founded 1995 by former research associates of the Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science, the company today focusses on the analysis of IT problem domains and on building the required algorithmic solutions. We provide software and consulting for the application of efficient algorithms and data structures.

We have theoretical in-depth knowledge and practical experience in fields such as graph and network algorithms, computational geometry, combinatorial optimization, compression and many others.

AlgoSol supports its customers during their software projects by optimizing the quality of existing solutions, improving time and space efficiency.

Our algorithmic solutions are based on substantial industrial knowledge and deep theoretic competence. The result: Measurable competitive advantages in local and global markets - get your software up to speed by additional algorithmic energy!

Our goal is to support our clients already at the earliest stage of a software project and facilitate decision making. We help answer questions such as whether or not the project requires optimal solutions or which development platform should be used. We analyze your operations, write expert reports on your problem domain, retrieve state of the art algorithms, define a comprehensive strategy for your problem solutions, explain required algorithms and software design, and implement particular algorithms.


  • Algorithmic Solutions & Optimization

    After a thorough analysis of a specific problem we come up with theoretical and practical algorithmic solutions. In case optimization goals have been set, we analyze the constraints to be met and we make sure that our solutions calculate the optimum or - when indicated - a good approximation thereof, with all requirements taken into account.
  • Data Analysis & Data Structures

    We find out what kind of requested or interesting information is hidden in a given collection of data, which conclusions can be drawn and which questions can be answered by analyzing your data. If required, we advise you how to organize your data in a way that supports efficient calculations, analyses and problem solutions and how to implement such functionality.
  • Network Algorithms & Geometric Computing

    Given our history and roots, network algorithms and geometric computing have always been and still remain at the core of our work. If you need help in the context of any type of efficient data handling, such as graph and network algorithms, geometric computing, or precise calculations.